Monday, October 26, 2009

South End Open Market - Halloween Style!

Yesterday, Gubicza and I traveled up to Boston to participate in the annual "Market of the Living Dead" - the last outdoor SOWA Open Market of the season. I've been having so much fun playing the LEGO Batman video game this summer, that I couldn't wait to make my own LEGO Batman costume. I was even fortunate enough to win first prize at this year's vendor costume contest! There was some stiff competition this year in the form of gorillas, Col. Sanders, The Corpse Bride, and zombies of all shapes and sizes with gruesome handmade makeup effects. There was even a customer costume contest this year, and the winner made an amazing "construction worker impaled by a traffic cone" costume. Here's a few pictures of my costume, but check out the entire Market flickr set to see more:

Thursday, October 15, 2009


We just recently finished a custom tiger design for a long time customer.

I love the way the nose turned out, and I think I may use something similar for our upcoming fox design.